Matchmaking Services

Personal Matchmaking
You are looking for someone to introduce you to incredible, quality singles in your city and a matchmaker who learns about you and your preferences so they can be your biggest support and coach during this time of life.
Contact us about how to sign up for matchmaking services (fees start at $5K).

Online Love Consultation/ Coaching Session
We know how challenging it can be to attract the right person online, screen out the singles who aren't right for you or aren't looking for real love, and get more attention and response. We will revamp your profile, set you up with professional pictures, rewrite your bio, and make sure you are doing and saying the right things to have better responses. (see testimonial from January 2018 below)
Book a session with your Date Coach!

Photography Outdoor Lifestyle Shoot
Victoria Gold is an incredible photographer in Los Angeles and works with Jenny Apple Matchmaking clients very well. We are lucky to have her!
New pictures = more powerful and productive dating experiences. Your family and friends might have good intentions, but when it comes to looking phenomenal in photos- have a professional capture your beauty and keep your look updated.
Contact us to book your photo shoot!
January 2018
Love Consultation/Date Coach Session with Jenny
Whatever I had been doing hadn’t been working, so when an online search for Jewish matchmakers came up with Jenny Apple, I immediately signed up and I’m so glad I did. Jenny truly takes an interest in helping people find their match, and she offers plenty of opportunities to meet Jewish singles in Los Angeles of all ages, from mixers, get togethers and other various events, she’s a wealth of knowledge of everything Jewish for young singles in the area.
I took Jenny up on an offer for a Dating Consultation and Interview, not really knowing what to expect, I was more than happy with the result. Jenny took the time to get an extremely in-depth history of me so that she could make an informed assessment of my strengths and weaknesses. She’s detail oriented and doesn’t overlook the small things, she reviewed my profiles on dating sites and gave me constructive feedback to help me improve my profiles. After the initial interview, she invited me to send in pictures of me prior to dates to give me honest, much needed and very welcome, candid feedback regarding my choice of clothing (nothing too small to help put me in the best light), make up, and hair (something I have been needing for quite some time). As she’s the expert, I’ve begun incorporating all of her advice and the response has been incredibly positive (the attention from guys is great, but more importantly, I feel better about myself, which I suppose gives me the confidence to project myself in a better light when talking to others).
She immediately recognized some personal limitations (mainly my innate shyness), and she set to giving me suggestions on how to improve them…actually, she didn’t just give me suggestions, and she didn’t just give me an easy to follow blue print on what to do to work on them, she provided me with the invitations to events that would help me open up to start meeting more people in an organic environment. Jenny knows the community and her awareness of what’s going on and the directory of people that she knows and works with is encyclopedic, she’s generous with her knowledge and is happy to make introductions to people in the community that can help (from stylists, and community leaders, to other matchmakers).
Jenny is an enthusiastic supporter and will take the time to read and write in-depth emails that can provide detailed instructions on how to improve your dating/love life. She is incredibly responsive and makes herself available at any time to provide feedback and an inspiring word. And she is so incredibly reassuring and uplifting. After decades of dejection and no love to speak of, it’s a bit despairing, yet she gave me hope and inspiration when I needed it most.
Jenny had me write out a list of my needs and wants and when I did, (not to jinx my current status), I might have met someone who matched up with my needs and wants and instead of just leaving it be and chalking up a match made, she talked with me about the next steps and continued to encourage me to improve myself.
Jenny’s warm personality and caring nature has suited my needs and very much helped me improve my love life and more importantly, myself, I’m grateful for the help and support she continues to provide and I would recommend her to anyone in the community looking to get some help from a true expert.
- Jessica, Los Angeles January 2018
Why Hire a Matchmaker?
Our clients hire us because...
We Save You Time and Frustration- Delete your online dating or apps or learn how to use them better. Don't waste any more time waiting for messages or meeting people who are not who they say they are or aren't ready for commitment.
We Understand the Jewish community and what you are looking for in your future-
We have over 20 years experience working with Jewish professionals and singles in events and community outreach
We are Private & Discrete- Your information is not public
We are Personalized & Unique- We cater to our clients and give individual attention
We are a Boutique Agency- We emphasize quality over quantity and only work with select clients and members only and focus on the qualities you are seeking in a match/life partner.
We Constantly Recruit and are well Connected- We meet new Jewish single men & women everywhere- Events we host or attend, Referrals, Database, Matchmaking private network
How to Find Love in 7 Days
How to Find Love in 7 Days
The Love Doctor, Dr. Terri Orbuch (PhD)
Finding love is 100% possible and everyone needs and deserves love. Follow my proven formula and you'll find the love you've been looking for. This brand new, powerful video course provides you with a step-by-step guide to find love based on science that has worked for thousands of people, just like you. You will learn the steps necessary to fulfill your dream of identifying your "ideal" partner and creating a long-term relationship filled with passion and love.
90-minute online videos. You can work through the classes at your own pace.
This course is for anyone who is single, between the ages of 21 - 80.
This course is for anyone who is interested in finding a long-term relationship that is genuine, caring and fulfilling.
This course is for anyone who feels like you’ll never find that right person and you’re on the verge of giving up. Or maybe you’ve had lots of past relationships but you still haven’t found THE ONE that will last a lifetime.
Purchase the course now! For the next few months, register for this amazing course for only $59 (50% off the regular price). You are worthy of the love you've always dreamed. It is time to find the love that will last a lifetime. Click here to purchase the course.

Dr. Terri Orbuch (aka The Love Doctor®) is a nationally recognized relationship expert, author, speaker, and professor at Oakland University. She is also the director of a landmark study, funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), where she has been following the same couples for almost 3 decades.
Dr. Orbuch is widely published in scientific journals and the author of “5 Simple Steps to Take Your Marriage From Good to Great” and “Finding Love Again: 6 Simple Steps to a New and Happy Relationship.”
Her practical science-based advice has led to being featured in publications in The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Reader’s Digest, USA Today, Women’s Health, Cosmopolitan, and TIME magazine, and appearances on The Today Show, MSNBC, The Katie Couric Show, ESPN, HuffPost Live, and CNN. She writes articles at Huffington Post, Psychology Today, and other national outlets; is a relationship expert for Match/OurTime; and her relationship segments are aired on Fox-2 Detroit Morning News. Her national public television special titled, “Secrets from The Love Doctor” has been airing since December 2013. Learn more about her at her website.